Cross the Divide is growing!
Meet the team that puts on these events HERE.
Upcoming events
December 2024
Lagrange, IN
Pheasant Hunting Trip
North Dakota
Year round, 2024
New Castle, PA
Fall 2024
East/Central Tennessee
Fall Deer & Bull Elk Hunts
Fall, 2024
Joseph, OR
Memorial Day National Flag Relay
May 2025
2024 Events
Women's Retreats
North Carolina, April 19-21
Western Washington, August 23-25
Backpacking, North Carolina
Linville River Gorge
28 April - 1 May
Trout Fishing Retreat
May 3-5, 2024
Jack’s White River Fishing Resort, Mountain View, Arkansas
Blacktail Hunting Seminar
May 11, 2024
Poulsbo, WA
Memorial Day Flag Relay
May 27, 2024
Year round, 2024
New Castle, PA
Backpacking, PacNorWest
Spring/Summer 2024
Olympic Mountains, WA and Wallowa Mountains, OR
3rd Annual Kokanee Fishing Derby
June 2024
Wallowa Lake, OR
Horse Camping Trip
Bend, OR
Summer 2024
Antelope Hunt
August, 2024
Wallowa County, OR
Llama packing trip
September, 2024
Cascades, WA
Ty Woods Annual Memorial Hunt
September, 2024
Joseph, OR
2023 Events
Indiana Whitetail Hunting
December 2023
Lagrange, IN
Marine veteran and Sheriff's Deputy, Mike Strong, led our first Indiana CTD event in December 2023! Two veterans from Oklahoma and Tennessee braved some challenging weather to hunt whitetail with Mike.
MidAtlantic Duck Hunting
December 2023
North Virginia
Derek Murray led our first Virginia CTD event just before Christmas! Two veterans went duck hunting with Derek, who follows up with participants to come alongside of them in their personal journeys. Derek joined the CTD Board of Directors in 2023 after retiring from the US Army and will be spearheading new CTD programs in Virginia, DC and North Carolina.
Mending Lines Series 5 Veterans: FATHERS & SONS
October 2023
New Mexico
This year, we partnered with Family Lines as together we focused on military dads and their sons as part of the fifth "Mending Lines" video series.
Fishing the San Juan River in New Mexico and hitting a high lake in Colorado, we pursued giant rainbow and brown trout on this "TOP 5 ON EARTH" river. Participants explored the unique challenges of serving your country and its impact on their relationships: past, present, and future.
Fall Bull Elk Hunts
Fall, 2023
Joseph, OR
Army Veterans and long time friends Scott Canino (Ranger) and Travis Sybesma (Green Beret) sealed the deal this weekend on a great bull with Andy Marcum in Wallowa County.
After a long stalk from ridge to ridge Scott made a great shot on his first-ever bull with his 300PRC from 375 yards!
We are grateful for these opportunities to connect with God’s creation while providing these hunts to our veterans at no cost thanks to the generous support of our donors.
Women's Retreat
October, 2023
The Cross the Divide Women's Retreat in beautiful Oregon was a journey of empowerment, connection, and transformation!
This weekend was spent both in and out of doors learning from our speakers during inspiring workshops to soul-nourishing moments in nature. Attendees crossed boundaries and built bridges together as they formed relationships with others and connected on a deeper level. Here's to the incredible women who made this retreat a success!
Llama Packing Trip
September, 2023
Cascades, OR
Cross The Divide sent out a group of Army, Navy, and Air Force veterans on a llama packing trip in the Cascade mountains. There were sunny skies, great conversation, and friendly llamas! Thanks again to Chris Swan for guiding the discussion and taking a great trip in the wilderness to another level.
Thanks, too, to Charley Rosenberry for his generous donation of his time and his llamas for these events again this year. Charley's llamas definitely add a whole other fun and educational dynamic to these outdoor experiences!
Ty Woods Annual Memorial Hunt
September 1-6, 2023
Joseph, OR
Toshiro "Tosh" Carrington, SEAL (US Navy, Retired), joined Cross the Divide and Ty's father, Charles Woods, for a 2023 premium bull elk hunt.
As with many of our field experiences, we overcame unexpected challenges and enjoyed hours of conversation, praying together, remembering Ty's legacy, and fellowshipping over many meals.
Many thanks to our donors who ensure our veterans and their families can attend these events at no cost to them *and* to the landowners who provide our veterans with access to hundreds of acres of God's beautiful creation.
Whitetail Deer/Goose Archery Hunting Trip
September, 2023
Bismark, North Dakota
"So we went on a deer hunting trip, and a goose hunt broke out..."
What happens when you send Marines and Sailors on a deer hunt in North Dakota? Well, if they're with Mike Kraemer...ANYTHING!
These veterans embarked on a 5-day whitetail deer hunt at Drop Tine Lodge through the generosity of Wesley Maley and the planning/guidance of Mike Kraemer. Mike's passion for hunting is only rivaled by his passion to be great husband, dad, and encourager of others. The men were successful on both the goose and deer hunts!
Women's Retreat
August, 2023
The Refuge, WA
Our first Beauties & Boots Retreat for women veterans and spouses was a complete success! A weekend for rejuvenation, reflection, and relaxation at The Refuge in Brinnon, WA led to some amazing fellowship and opportunities to connect with other women in the beauty of God’s creation!
The women and their spouses were able to connect deeper through conversation, inspiring speakers, and quiet moments together and individually as they took advantage of all the opportunities The Refuge has to offer!
Proverbs 31:25 - She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.
Backpacking trip
August, 2023
Olympic Mountains, Washington
In August, we hosted active-duty Soldiers from the 1st Special Forces Group (1st SFG). Their chaplain, Joel Turner, joined them for this backpacking trip in the beauty of God's creation in the Olympic National Park. What a great team of Soldiers that really took advantage of this opportunity!
The 1st SFG has a rich and lengthy history of serving our country during peacetime and war. Stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in western Washington, the 1st SFG is the lead Special Forces Group on operations in Asia and the Pacific. Their Soldiers deploy in small teams, operate independently, and conduct their mission in very spartan environments.
Antelope Hunt
August, 2023
Wallowa County, OR
The CtD hunt team started the season off strong with another successful antelope hunt!
This year Barry Macy, a Combat Veteran who served six years in the Army National Guard, including one year of service in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom III was able to get it done on his first antelope nicknamed "Curly Bill" with a 475 yard shot! Barry's ear-to-ear smile says it all!
Huge thank you to Keith, Joe and Mason for the countless hours of scouting and helping make this hunt a success! Without great volunteers and landowners’ access Cross the Divide wouldn't be able to do what we do!
Trout Fishing Retreat
July 2023
Mountain View, AR
Chaplain Terry Bewley led our *first ever* Cross the Divide event in Arkansas -- a trout fishing retreat at Jack’s White River Fishing Resort in Mountain View, Arkansas.
Our veterans got to connect with God and His creation as they spent time in fellowship and prayer alongside their time on the river!
Terry’s love for God and for those you have been called to serve inspires and encourages all of us. Thank you for your humility, hard work, steady demeanor, love for others and ongoing friendship. We're glad to call you 'brother' in the faith, as a fellow veteran, and partner with Cross the Divide!
July, 2023
New Castle, PA
Thanks to Adam Korman of Journey on the Fly Guide Service for his wonderful gifts of skill, instruction and compassion!
Adam took one of our Marine veterans out for a day of guided fly fishing in Pennsylvania. Adam helps folks not only get onto fish but is a great coach and encourager with a deep faith, equipping participants with the knowledge and tactics to produce those “I’ll never forget this” moments.
Horse Camping Trip
June 2023
Eagle Cap Wilderness, OR
Iron sharpens iron, and six Warriors sharpened each other in many ways over five days during Cross the Divide's first Horse Camping trip in the Wallowa Mountains. There were some great times of sharing each other's lives, and -- as always -- they head back home to continue to the ongoing journey of personal, spiritual growth!
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Prov 27:17
2nd Annual Kokanee fishing derby
June 2023
Wallowa Lake in Joseph, OR
This year's event brought together anglers from across the region, showcasing their skills and passion for fishing. We want to extend our sincere appreciation to all the participants for joining us in this thrilling event. Your enthusiasm and love for fishing truly made this derby an unforgettable experience! We had over 35 boats and 100 participants this year!
Father-Child Llama Packing Trip
June 2023
Cascade Mountains, WA
Seven men courageously leaned in further to love their children and chose to enter into real, meaningful conversations last weekend during Cross the Divide's first Father-Child Llama Camping Retreat.
We had a great time sharing our past experiences, having fun and relaxing together with our children around food, fresh air and clear skies while anchoring ourselves in God and His word. We continue to take our journeys of brokenness and healing and submit them to God's work of redemption and restoration!
Thanks to those supporting these events and the transformation they enable. Thanks to Charley Rosenberry and Chris Swan for their presence and help making this event powerful!
Blacktail Hunting Seminar
June 2023
Bremerton, WA
We had an incredible time at the "Trophy Tactics" Blacktail Hunting Seminar! Dave Riley shared his expertise and taught us invaluable tactics for hunting blacktail deer. From scouting techniques to strategic positioning, we gained insights that will undoubtedly enhance our hunting experiences.
A special shoutout to all the active military personnel and veterans who joined us. Your service and sacrifice are deeply appreciated, and we're grateful for your continued dedication in all aspects of life.
Thank you, Dave, for sharing your expertise, your commitment to empowering hunters is commendable.
We are excited to continue to foster a community of hunters dedicated to learning, growing, and preserving our cherished traditions.
Memorial Day Flag Relay
May 31, 2023
Congrats to CTD board member, Endel Lee, and the Memorial Day Flag Relay team for another awesome annual event. You all have paid a great honor to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country.
Thanks to Kyle Beshears and Tyler York for your leadership and efforts in coordinating this event!
Learn More
Cross the Divide’s approach utilizes the healing power of God's truths in the venue of God's creation, combined with physical activities and a focus on spiritual health to improve veterans’ sense of well-being. Offered at no cost, participants arrive and spend time getting acquainted while unwinding in the woods away from the stress of their daily lives.
Cross the Divide incorporates the idea of spiritual health through the lens of Christianity, acknowledging “spiritual fitness” as a key pillar in the well-being, resiliency and success of our warfighters.
Cross The Divide brings small groups of 8-15 veterans to a wilderness venue to participate in three-to-five day expeditions and retreats while following an organic but intentionally biblical curriculum. In sharing stories around the campfire, participants realize they are not alone in their struggles. Regardless of the branch of service or details of their service, veterans find the camaraderie they knew while serving in the military, but haven’t found since. Our participants discover the story of rescue and restoration that God has been telling throughout history - and the story He is telling in each of our lives.
A 2012 study noted that "when we slow down, stop the busy work, and take in beautiful natural surroundings, not only do we feel restored but our mental performance improves, too." Participants did 50% better on problem solving tasks and word games after three days on a backpacking trip. When including a biblical approach to personal growth, we have seen similar health benefits and even more remarkable personal transformation through our retreats.
Each year, selected applicants hunt with a Cross The Divide guide. Cross the Divide receives five statewide tags annually – 2 bull elk, 2 buck and an antelope or bear – thanks to state legislation our founder, Julie Wheeler, helped pass in order to honor Oregon veterans. Cross The Divide provides veteran hunters with the use of a rifle or shotgun (if needed), ammunition, and licenses/tags. Our Hunting Program Coordinator, Andy Marcum, also utilizes Oregon’s over-the-counter damage/depredation cow elk tag program. He works with local landowners to enable select applicants to not only hunt eastern Oregon but to provide healthy meat for their families.
Cross The Divide provides opportunities for veterans to bring family members on their trip. Our goal is to instill newfound confidence in our veterans while at the same time introducing hunting and shooting sports to our veteran’s family members. The family bonding that happens during our once-in-a-lifetime hunting experiences further strengthens our military families. While trekking through the mountains and fields of the Pacific Northwest, they are immersed in the beauty and power of God’s creation. The healing and renewed confidence persevere beyond their Cross the Divide experience and allows those stuck in a dark place to feel hopeful once again.
The Cross the Divide Veteran Application for events can be found HERE.
If you have any questions about 2023 events, please fill out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!